Monday, February 13, 2012

How To Be Lucky !

It is easy and normal to have moments where you feel depressed or down on yourself. If you have these moments often, or are having a day where you feel very unlucky, here is how to help yourself realise that you actually are lucky, and should feel happy. Being lucky can happen in many different forms!
  1. Change your perspective of what luck means. Luck is often considered to be something “out there”, out of our personal control. We expect something (or someone) lucky to descend on us and improve life for us. Waiting around for luck instead of creating it is a fool’s game that can lead you to constant negative thinking, including always seeing other people’s good fortune as the result of “luck” rather than choices.
  2. Use your willpower, not your imagination. For some of us, it’s easier to fall into fantasy thinking instead of focused and directed thinking about the purpose of our life.
  3. Visualize success. Develop your own powerful inner feeling that consists of telling yourself: “This is really going to work and I must work hard at it.”
  4. Think about things you normally take for granted, such as having hot water or the Internet. Challenge yourself go without it. If you find it is too important to do without, consider how lucky you are to have access to it.
  5. Listen to, watch or read the news every once in awhile. You’re sure to hear about plenty of bad things happening to people around the world. Consider how lucky you are not be involved.
  6. Remember positive things that have happened to you in the past. Think about the circumstances that created those events and whether they can be recreated. If not, consider how lucky you are that everything co-ordinated to make that event occur.
  7. Do something different. Dye your hair, go to the beach, be spontaneous! Make a list of the stupidest things you can think of and then just do them! Make sure you’re with a friend though ‘cos other wise you will just look weird.
  8. Be nice to people. Your mom, dad, friends, teacher, cleaner or whatever. Just be nice towards them. If you are nice to them then they will be nice back. Seriously, don’t waste time being angry at everybody, because the truth is, you are probably mad at yourself.
  9. Be confident. Even if you are the shyest person ever. Even if you go red when people talk to you, get sweaty hands or food stuck between your teeth ALL the time. If you don’t know how to actually be confident then just pretend you are confident. Act like you don’t have a care in the world and it will rub off on other people. Just remember that everybody is special and unique. Even if your special gift is knowing all about Neighbours or having an ‘inner calm’ or even being the person who always takes jokes too far, there is always something that make you special to people.

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